For those who didn't know, I've been working since last Summer on a massive sourcebook project on Lustria. The idea came to me when I visited BOYL2018 and saw the wonderful Lustrian-themed table done by some fans. That day the Lustrua-hype came back to me and I purchased these Pygmies.
We are talking, of course, of Wargames Foundry DA137 Pygmy Archers, masterfully sculpted by Mark Copplestone.
Kevin Dallimore is better than me, I know |
These are historical Pygmies from the Darkest Africa range, and are remarkably different from the GW art about Pygmies. They miss swollen lips, pot bellies and the outrangeous decorations of leaves and bone, but to be fair I was never a big fan of those. Still, they missed something, so I decided to add some skulls and bones here and there, mostly from bits of a Skeleton Guard box.
The final result is not too abysmal, I hope. Unfortunately, some of the nose- and ear-decorations, being made of greenstuff, snapped very easily so you can't see them in the pictures. That's a lesson learned for me. The spear, which was missing from the box, is a broken toothpick, which fit nicely with my idea of Lustria being almost completely ferrous metal-free.
Proportions seem to fit nicely with original GW miniatures, as you can see. So now, how to use these hungry little savages? I based them on round bases because they are going to be skirmishers. I guess I should try to use them in WFB but probably will attempt at house-ruling a Pygmy warband for Mordheim, including special rules for enchanted enemy heads - some warding off bad luck, some speaking to their carrier with secrets from beyond the veil of death.
Suggestions are welcome, anyway. Did you ever use Pygmies in your games?