lunedì 8 marzo 2021

Artizan Design Carolingian Milites

 I don't post much about historical miniatures. Truth is that those very miniatures got me into the hobby, as one of the first posts on this blog attests. I like historical miniatures very much but the problem is that I don't get much chance to play with them. Yet, every now and then I distract myself with a set of them.

Out of all history, my favourite period is the Iron Century, that dark age between 888, the death of the last Carolingian Emperor, and 961, the crowning of Otto the Great, in many ways the founder of the Holy Roman Empire. Few companies do Carolingians, and I decided to test one, Artizan Design, now a daughter company of North Star Figures which is one of the best miniature companies out there.

So without further ado, here's three milites, that is knights, from the period.

Gaidwald is a North Italian miles, most probably of Lombard origin. He wears a spangenhelm of rather old design, with a nasal guard, cheek-pieces and a crest.

Folcuin is a Frankish North-Italian miles. He wears a typical Carolingian kettle helm. I am particularly proud of the grey steed he rides - it was a tough job to stipple those spots, but in the end the result is ok.

Amalfred is a Frankish knight from the Rhein valley. He also wears a kettle helm and sports a very Frankish blonde moustache.
All in all, these miniatures are nice and were fun to paint. If you dig the period, I cannot recommend them enough. Will be buying more of this!

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