My first PC in WFRP was
Gelmir, a regularly rolled Sea Elf Bodyguard, tough as a nail and covered in mud and shit as befits WFRP PCs. For my second PC I wanted something more epic, and in agreement with my GM, I created Celebril Lostirion, High Elf noble, second son of a Caledorian Lord. Having grown up listening to the tales of the great elven heroes and knights, young Celebril left his golden cage in Ulthuan, with his loyal squire Elemir, and travelled to the Old World looking for adventure. Soon enough he found plenty of adventure, and in no time, using his courage and charm, he became a Knight Errant (aka Free Lance), offering his lance and sword against the forces of Chaos in exchange of hospitality and a warm meal.

Celebril turned out to be a great character over the several years that I played him. From recovering the Bowl of Oblivion in Grimminhagen, thus earning the gratutude of the Chirch of Morr, to defending Nuln and Talabheim from cultists of Nurgle trying to spread a plague, to recovering the Seven Keys of Arianka and freeing the Goddess of Law. After the last great feat, Celebril settled in Praag where he received a minor noble title by the king and dedicated his time exploring the Mountains at the Edge of the World and trying to build an alliance between Kislev and the local Dwarfs and Dragons.
The funniest part of playing Celebril was that he had outrageous ideas, overly idealistic and completely at odds with social and political relations, but somehow he often managed to realize his plans just by bewildering his contacts. How do you argue about being practical and realistic with a High Elf knight from Caledor looking for adventure on the borders of Kislev?
To represent him I chose a High Elf Swordmaster of Hoeth, made by GW in 1995. I'm not sure who is the sculptor, but these figures are very good and indeed they survived into production until the mid 2010s. Celebril wears a full metal hauberk of elven making, with a tall helm. His sword, a weapons sacred to the forces of Law, is the Gayvenderel or Crystal Sword, particularly good in punishing servants of Chaos. He also carries a great horn from the dragon Drorrg, killed by him and his valiant companions in the last days of 2505.